Sunday, February 28, 2010

Something Strange Last Night...

Last night (or this morning) we let the dog out at about 3 am. She went out and was doing her regular duties when there was a loud rustling near the neighbors house. It was enough to scare the dog so much so, that she just stood there and looked in that direction. Frozen. Nothing ever emerged from the darkness but it was quite strange...

Saturday, February 27, 2010


I think 2010 will be a good year for the crypto world. With more technological advancments than ever, we're bound to find something. I myself will be going out of my way to look for the unexplained and unknown so we may know more about the unknown then previously known. My efforts will be mainly foccused on the creature spotted in my very neighborhood 3 years ago. Last summer, I found an unusually large paw print in the mud about a block away at the small lake outlet near the water. It may be (and most certainly is) a large dog, But it was still VERY large. But back to the topic, I have a feeling it will be a good year for cryptozoology.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I'm keeping an eye out.

Tonight seems to be rather quiet and dark so I'll be staying vigilant and periodically snapping pics out the window toward the dead end with the night setting equipped on the camera. Perhaps some "Werewolf" activity. Call me crazy, but I know what has been sighted in the area.