Saturday, January 16, 2010

Werewolves: what are they?

Are they half man half wolf? Or possibly some kind of previously undiscovered canine? There are many questions surrounding the true identity of these creatures that up until about twenty eight years ago were considered legend and Hollywood productions. But as time goes on, these creatures are becoming more and more real as sightings increase in north America as well as parts of Europe. Stories of werewolves and lycans date back as far as history itself and expand far across the globe from Greek legend to native American tales and Romanian accounts all tell of a man shape shifting into a wolf or wolf-like creature. One of the most famous werewolves to date is the "Beast of Bray road". Bray road is a rural farm road in the southern Wisconsin town of Elkhorn. In the fall of 1981, Marv Kirschnik was driving along bray road when he saw a large hairy upright creature standing behind a fallen tree. He watched the creature for a time and the creature watched right back. After a minuet or two, Kirschnik spead off. Marv has had more encounters with the creature in later years as well including the manimal kneeling on the side of the road eating roadkill. The beast of bray road is in my eyes, the best example of the modern werewolf of the 21st century. Now here is my theory even though you might think differently: I don't think werewolves are half man at all. I think they are a species of animal just like a wolf or coyote or anything else. For DNA to mutate to that extreme is impossible. But if there's a 6 and a half foot tall biped dog-wolf than i guess anything is possible ;) . But any who, I believe that they are an animal. not an evil demon spawn from hell. But like I said, this is only my opinion. I will leave the discussion open for debate in the threads for you to leave tour own theory on what these creatures are. I am not in any Sense saying that i doubt there existence. I know from personal experiance that they do exist, I just want your opinions. Thanks for your time.

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